We had fun making dumpling as a family, especially eating them. The most popular type of Chinese dumplings are pork dumplings but because we only had ground beef on hand, we decided to make beef dumplings instead. We also didn’t use corn and peas in our filling because the objections of various family members. So we just added…

The Beautiful Life Fest. Creating A Culture of Presence

I woke up with words hanging in the air. “Nigel, why are you doing festivals?” I knew that God was trying to get my attention, and I know from experience that God is not looking for information or enlightenment when he asks me a question so I replied, “I’m not sure Lord, why have you…

Best of Times, Worst of Times

Could This Be the Greatest Time of Your life? As I sit in my office, the first good rain of 2017 is falling out side my window. Cape Town is critically low on water, the dams are close to empty and the municipality is already planning emergency measures if the rains do not come soon….


By Debbie Desmond     “Show me your glory,” is an esteemed prayer by many. How many have prayed this prayer of Moses desiring to see the glimpse that he saw?   The Apostle John, revealed in the first chapter of his gospel that he had seen God’s glory, “We have seen his glory, the glory of…

There is another great flood coming, get ready.

   Early one morning whilst Debbie was walking on the beach in France she noticed a rainbow which seemed to be coming out of a lighthouse, as she watched it grew both in length and beauty until it spanned the whole sky and even reflected in the wet sand at her feet. It’s brightness and…

Finding Room for God’s Presence. -by Nigel Desmond

  This year the heaven’s themselves seem to have been declaring that something significant is occurring on earth. In September there was a “Blood Moon”. In October we saw Mars, Jupiter, and Venus come together in a rare conjunction. The Internet was awash with prophesies and predictions beforehand and ridicule and refutations afterwards when it seemed…

Mystery in the Mirror

   By Debbie This morning Mystery got dressed all by herself, color coded and all. She came through to show me and was obviously very impressed with her look. She went and stood in front of my mirror and this was her dialogue with herself as she made her assessment: “Perfect!” “Self, well done!” “Wow!…

Naming Your Well

  It was almost 20 years ago that we had, what Nigel and I call, our ‘holiday from hell’. It was the beginning of a year of terrible tormenting fear. I don’t think there was a day that my face wasn’t soaked with tears. My days just seemed like one long panic attack and my nights…

WELL OF LIVING WATER – Do you see it?

   It wasn’t many years after the meeting at the first well (Genesis 16) that Hagar found herself again at another well, a well that she didn’t see at first. A well that when found, gave her and her son life, life  that before had been ebbing away in the desert. I can’t even begin…

At the Well – Beer-lahai-roi

  By Debbie I have started a study of people “at the well” in the bible. The first reference in the bible to a well is in Genesis 16. There had been conflict between the pregnant Hagar and Sarai. After a time Hagar could bear her trying and painful circumstances no longer and she fled into…